Book Now
Making a booking for your dog to have a holiday with us can be done quickly and easily online. If you know the dates your dog will be staying with us, you are welcome to fill in our booking form below. It’s important to be aware when booking online that bookings are not finalised until you have received an email confirmation from us, although you can be assured the availabilities shown are accurate.
Our Cattery
Our cattery has been put on hold for the forseeable future thanks to Covid 19 and the resultant drain on our finances over the previous two years.
It is hoped that we will have good news later this year (2022) about starting construction next year but, like most businesses these days, we are at the whim of the financial markets and the banks’ reluctance to support quality small businesses like ours to protect or increase their shareholder returns.
Regardless of banks, and with or without them, we will get our world class cattery up and running sooner or later.
And world class it will be. Plans are done and ready to go. Council approval is in place so its just a matter of arranging the last bit of finance (the hard part) and then we’re good to go.
Large spacious suites, natural sunlight filling the building, cats sunning themselves at the windows, curling up in their luxurious beds or running amok over the obstacle course we will install in each suite to maintain natural behaviours like running, jumping, stretching, stalking, scratching and playing.
We’ll even have some suites with an outdoor play area for cats that are used to that at home. These will be fully secure landscaped play areas where they can relax in the garden, jump up on the branches, or sit calmly by and watch the birds feeding on the natural bushes nearby.
In the meantime, we have a small cattery (four suites) available for those people that wish to take advantage of our services now.
To discover more about our cattery plans please contact our friendly team today!